terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2016

Still at the Forts

Climbing up to the Forts surrounding the valley is not just being met by gorgeous, insanely beautiful landscapes. It is also diving deep into the history of a country with the oldest established borders in Europe, a country which, not used to invasions, still resents what the armies of Napoleon did in the early 1800s.
For me, in particular, going up to the Forts is remembering the trials and tribulations faced by my family when their farm was invaded and they had to seek refuge behind the moats of the Forts (more about it in Eu, do Nada/I, from Nothing).
For my Tesla-husband it is the thrill of taking the Creature out, having a close encounter with History and a closer one with Nature and all this a stone's throw away from home.
Most fortunately, my family survived so that I could tell the (hi)story and play the merry tourist and Tesla-wife at a place that saw the Napoleonic Army defeated and the preservation of Portuguese nationality and independence. I call this a very enjoyful outing.

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